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The study examined Effects of Peer-Teaching and Discovery Methods on Economics Students‟ Academic Performances in Senior Secondary Schools in Benue State, Nigeria. The study was conducted with six objectives viz to: determine the effect of using peer- teaching on the performance of Economics students in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria; determine the effect of using discovery method of teaching on the performance of Economics students and in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria; determine the difference in the performance of students taught concept of division of labour using peer-teaching and those taught concept of division of labour using conventional method of teaching in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria; determine the difference in the performance of students taught concepts of production using discovery method and those taught concepts of production using conventional method of teaching in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria among others. The six guided objectives were transformed into research questions and hypotheses. The study adopted quasi-experimental design using a total of five thousand, four hundred and eighty-five (5,485) Economics students as the population of the study, while two hundred and fourteen (214) senior secondary school, students II were used as sample size. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The validated instrument was pilot tested and a reliability index of 0.87 was obtained. Data for the study were collected through the pre-test and post-test, using a teacher made test. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics of independent t-test. The research questions were analyzed using means and standard deviation. Hypotheses 1 to 5 were tested using t-test statistics, while hypothesis 6 was tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 0.05 level of significance. Findings of the study revealed that: students taught Economics using discovery method of teaching performed significantly better than those taught using conventional method of teaching in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria; significant difference does exists between the academic performances of students taught production using discovery method of teaching and those taught using conventional method of teaching in senior secondary schools in Benue State among other things. It was concluded that discovery method of teaching and peer-teaching method of teaching as learner-centered have positive effect in teaching Economics. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommended that: Economics teachers should make use of discovery method of teaching since it was found suitable for teaching-learning and capable of yielding positive students‟ academic performance than using conventional method of teaching in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria; Economics teachers should use peer-teaching method to teach concepts of production since it improves Economics students‟ academic performance than using conventional method to teach in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria; peer-teaching method should be used by Economics teachers to teach the concepts of division of labour, since it has been found to enhance Economics students‟ academic performance than using conventional method to teach in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria; and discovery method of teaching should be given more consideration by Economics teachers in teaching basic Economics analysis as it was found suitable and effective in teaching Economics than the use of conventional method in senior secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria among other recommendations.

